2023-11-29 14:48:10 作者 : 围观 :69次
(1、绍兴水处理发展有限公司,绍兴 312073 )
关键词:排放管线; 提升系统; 排放口; 尾水
1 million M3/d Tail Water Discharge System of Shaoxing Waste Water Treatment Plant
CAI Zhibin
(1、Shaoxing Water Treatment Development Co.,Ltd,Shaoxing 312073)
Abstract: Shaoxing Water Treatment Development Co.,Ltd is the largest printing and dyeing waste treatment mill of domestic at the moment,and is one example pertaining to region sewage was treated. In the wake of the area economy further development ,Shaoxing Waste Water Treatment Mill auxiliary project is to be constructed extremely urgently,including 1 million M3/d tail water discharge system is getting ready for implementing which embodying the discharge pipes 、 upgrading system 、outfall project . In view of this project,chiefly introduce the system component 、pipe-lines direction 、outfall site selection 、investment 、construction scheme and emergency response plan, etc..
Keyword: discharge pipes upgrading system outfall tail water